Katherine Pogson

Katherine Pogson

Artist Katherine Pogson’s work considers human relationships with nature. Her practice uses Lepidoptery - the study of butterflies and moths - as an entry point for exploring an ‘other-than-human’ view of the world. 

In the Anthropocene age, and with growing awareness of the climate emergency, this inevitably encounters stories of loss, damage and extinction. However, in taking a moth’s-eye view, this work focuses instead on the requirements for flourishing life - nourishment, procreation and the space to move freely. 

Katherine is currently a doctoral research candidate and associate lecturer at University of the Arts, London. In her previous life, Katherine was a designer-maker based at Cockpit Arts, Holborn, and Livingstone Studios, Hampstead. 

See more on her website, or follow Katherine on Twitter: @katherinepogson and Instagram: @katherinepogson

Join Katherine’s Live Moth Event on Sunday 24th May at 8:00AM. Explore the hidden denizens of the urban forest! Find out which moths are flying now, and the local (or exotic) trees and plants on which they feed. You may be in for a surprise. Find out more, and book now.


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