Leeds Campus Guided Tree Trail
With Robin Hayward and Students For Trees Council
Ticket Information
Wednesday 17th - University of Leeds - Campus Tree Trail Guided Walks
Date: Wednesday 17th May
Time: 10:30am, Guided Walk
Location: University of Leeds, behind the union building by the wooden sculpture (Cromer Rd, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9JW)
Tickets: Free, Book here (donations welcomed)
Our University of Leeds tree trail was created in collaboration with the United Bank of Carbon to celebrate the massive value of trees to campus life. The trail highlights the value of hosting a range of species and the results of the i-Tree project - in which academic staff and volunteers calculated the total carbon stored by campus trees (over 500 tonnes!). We hope you enjoy the trail!
Event Information
Join us for a guided walk of our University of Leeds Tree Trail, which was created in collaboration with the United Bank of Carbon to celebrate the massive value of trees to campus life. The trail highlights the value of hosting a range of species and the results of the i-Tree project - in which academic staff and volunteers calculated the total carbon stored by campus trees (over 500 tonnes!).
10.00am Guided trail with hosts from LEAF (Leeds Ecosystem Atmosphere Forest) group.
A guided tour of some of our most impressive trees at the University of Leeds campus, led by researchers from the School of Earth and Environment.
This approximately 90 minute route features 12 highlighted trees and information about some of the amazing benefits they provide.
The trail is wheelchair accessible.
Robin Hayward
Robin Hayward is a forest ecologist and science communicator. They work to improve understanding of tree values and forest restoration and planting.
University of Leeds LEAF group
One of our students, Hazel, has successfully organised three campus tree trail tours at Leeds University for the UTF period. Hazel is a PhD researcher in the School of Earth and Environment, exploring the impacts of tree planting and landscape restoration on the climate and the delivery of co-benefits associated with large scale tree planting.
Be Curious Live
Saturday 13 May 2023, 10am–4pm
Visit Be Curious live open day to learn more about our events as part of Urban Tree Festival. Be Curious Live is the University’s annual family open day. Each year we turn the campus into a hive of free family-friendly activities, where you can get hands on with the research that happens right here in Leeds.
Location of event
University of Leeds Campus, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9JT
Start: University of Leeds, behind the union building by the wooden sculpture (Cromer Rd, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9JW)
End: St George's Field, University of Leeds (LS29DX)
Please Donate
Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.
We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.
Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.
Thank you for your support.