The 2024 Urban Tree Festival
11th - 19thMay - the full programme at a glance:
Our daily programme
This year Urban Tree Festival offers a jam-packed selection of on-line and in-person events. We've made as many events as possible low or no-cost, and where possible 50% from tickets sold goes back into to the Tree Festival. We also rely on your generous donations to fund the festival, so if you think you could contribute please hit the donate button!
The programme is packed with exciting events, so sign up to our newsletter for regular highlights in the lead up to the festival.
This years programme is now complete! Grab your tickets fast or you’ll miss them on some of our most popular events!
Webinar tickets are now open!!
Booking closes an hour before event start times.
Saturday 11th May
9.30am & 4.30pm - Plymouth Central Park & its Trees Guided Walk tree walk through Central Park with local expert and Plymouth Tree People trustee Andrew Young.
Walk - Book Here
10.00am - Inclusive Nature Cycle with Chris Schüler
UTF Funded Event - Join CPRE London along the national cycle route in south London, for this inclusive nature cycle suitable for all. Anyone who finds it easier to cycle than walk is encouraged to come along and discover the excitement of urban tree hunting!
Accessible Ride - Book here
10.30am - 2.30pm - Fences & Frontiers Epping Forest Walk
UTF Funded Event - Fences & Frontiers join us again in 2024 for a guided tree walk for refugees in Epping Forest. Walk for Never Walk Alone Group led by Sam Taylor, Sydenham Hill Wood Project Officer (London Wildlife Trust). Discover the wildlife and history of the Great North Wood, following an old railway line.
Walk - By invitation only, find out more
10.30am - 11.30am - Special Trees Walk - Brighton
Local Brighton resident and tree expert Alister Peters is your guide for this look at some of our city’s most special trees.
11.00am - 12.30pm - Churchill Gardens: An Architectural Utopia Among the Trees
A guided walk around the Churchill Gardens Estate, one of the finest, and greenest modernist estates in the UK, with Paul Wood.
Walk - Buy Tickets
11.00am - 12.00noon - Apple Orchard Walk: National Collection of Sussex Apples - Brighton
Join Peter May for a guided walk through the Home Farm Orchard and Meadow Orchard. Peter is a horticulturalist who has propagated more than 1,000 Sussex apple trees.
Guided Walk - SOLD OUT
1.00pm - 5.00pm - Wandsworth Park Eco Fair
The Wandsworth Park Eco Fair is an opportunity to be ‘earth friendly’ and have fun doing it. join over 40 organisations sharing information about positive ways we can help our environment.
Free - Just turn up!
2.00pm - 3.30pm - Discover Londinium's Mulberry Trees
This walk traces London’s Roman and Saxon heritage using mulberry trees as waypoints. We take in several medieval Guilds (Livery companies) as well.
Walk - Buy Tickets
2.00pm - 5.30pm - Explore the Great Urban Forest
This Unique InspiralLondon walking exploration with JD Swann, passes the ancient trees of Epping Forest from Forest Gate to Hollow Ponds and on towards Leytonstone.
Walk - Book here
2.00pm - 3.00pm & 3:00pm - 4.00pm - Withdean Park Lilac Walk - Brighton
Formerly designated as the ‘National Lilac Collection’ by the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens. Friends of Withdean Park are working to identify its 250+ types of lilac in the park.
Guided Walk - SOLD OUT
Sunday 12th May
10.00am - 11.30am - Wilding Waterhall – Explore, Walk & Talk - Brighton
Explore Brighton’s newest nature reserve with ranger Paul Gorringe. Join us up on the Downs to discover why trees are important in a landscape dominated by ancient grassland habitats.
Walk & Talk - SOLD OUT
10.30 - 12.00noon - Guided Walk: A Celebration of Epping Forest Judy Adams & Neal Glucksmann-Smith lead visitors on a walk through the Forest looking at the ancient trees in this special area of conservation.
11.00am - 12.30pm - Churchill Gardens: An Architectural Utopia Among the Trees
A guided walk around the Churchill Gardens Estate, one of the finest, and greenest modernist estates in the UK, with Paul Wood.
Walk - Buy Tickets
1.00pm - 2.00pm - Urban poe-tree
Let your city's vibrant trees inspire your creative voice at this engaging online poetry workshop. Whether you're a seasoned poet or have never written before, all are welcome!
By donation - Book here
2.00pm - 4.40pm - InspiralLondon William Morris Trail via Walthamstow across Waltham Forest
Originally the garden and grounds surrounding William Morris’ childhood home; and inspiration for his love of nature. We’ll look at variety of tree leaves and patterns of nature central to Arts & Crafts movement.
Walk - Book here
2.00pm - 4.00pm - Birds & Bees - Hove Park Café, Brighton
Come and find out more about the lives of our bees and birds and how we can all help them thrive.
Free - No booking required
2.00pm - 5.00pm - Music of the trees The Lewes Road Inn, Brighton
Relax and join well-known community songwriter and musician, Robb Johnson, for a fun session of music and poetry about trees at the Lewes Road Inn.
Free - No booking required
5.00pm - 8.00pm - The Street Tree x Fruity Walks - Film Screening, Walk & Talk
Paul Wood (aka The Street Tree) and Divya Hariramani (aka Fruity Walks) with London National Park City’s Michael Shilling introduce some of the amazing trees in Shoreditch and the City. Starting with London’s first Lemon tree!
Guided tour, Film Screening & Talk - Booking here
Monday 13th May
1.00pm - 3.30pm - Drawing Trees: An Experimental drawing workshop led by artist Ruth Broadbent
An online drawing workshop, led by artist Ruth Broadbent - ideas on how to approach walking and drawing in a creative and experimental way, this workshop will offer a range of techniques to try on your next walk.
Online Art Class - SALES CLOSED
6.00pm - 7.30pm - Tree Equity in the UK: Action on Inequalities in Urban Tree Cover
Hosted by the Woodland Trust featuring Beth Collier (Wild In the City), Katy Hawkin (Birmingham Tree People) and Dr Mark Johnston (independent scholar and urban tree expert). The talk will examine different perspectives on 'tree equity' in the UK - including history, race and ethnicity and community action.
Webinar - Book Here
6.30pm - 8.00pm - London Circular Walk
A three mile circular walk around the City of London, from the Bank of England, that considers the City's urban trees, with Des Garrahan.
Walk - Book Here
Tuesday 14th May
1.00pm - 3.00pm - Accessible Guided Tree Walk in Devonport Park - Plymouth
An accessible event for everyone, including older people and those with disabilities. Join the Friends of Devonport Park and arboriculturalist Matt Underwood on an informative gentle walk around the park's trees.
Walk - Book here
3.00pm - 4.30pm - Wembley Park Walkabout
Join Julian Tollast, Head of Masterplanning and Design at Quintain, on this exclusive tour of the newly completed Olympic Way, looking at the technical challenges involved in Urban Tree Planting and maintenance at this scale.
6.30pm - 8.00pm - Historical Woodland Characters Creative Walkshop with Soobie Whitfield
A guided, sunset trail around the parkland of Castle Bromwich Hall, Birmingham, exploring its veteran trees and imagining the stories of the people who planted, harvested and strolled beneath them over the centuries.
Walkshop - Free - Book here
7.00 - 9.00pm - Climate Chronicles: Rainforests, Rain & Hidden Forces - Leeds
Ever wondered what came first, the rainforest or rain? Join us for an enlightening talk by Dr. Robin Hayward, exploring rainforest’s role in shaping climate.
Talk - Book here
Wednesday 15th May
11.00am - 12.30pm - Tree Musketeers Community Tree Nursery The Tree Musketeers voluntary group based in Hackney will host three short tours of their Community Tree Nursery during this year’s Urban Tree Festival. Featuring hundreds of trees grown at the nursery, many of which are planted in parks, estates and other green spaces across Hackney. Two additional sessions: Friday 17th May at 11.00am - 12:30pm & 01:30pm - 03:00pm.
Guided Tour - Book here
1.00pm - 2.30pm - Tree ID Walk at Kennington Park
Join in learning the art of tree identification and pick up some hints and tips to help you develop your skills. No tree identification experience required!
Guided Walk - Free - Book here
3.00pm - 7.00pm - Peckham Rye Park and Common Tiny Forest Discovery Day
Come along and explore your local Tiny Forest, and get involved in a range of activities from storytelling and face painting, to bug hunts and fun nature experiments!
Free - No booking required
6.00pm - 7.30pm - Marvel at the Trees of Finsbury Park with Author Paul Wood
Finsbury Park has many interesting mature trees, reflecting its long and varied history; old London Planes dating back to 1869, Oaks, Willows and Poplars that would have been part of the ancient Hornsey Woods on which site the park was established… Find out more with Paul Wood.
6.30pm - 8.00pm - Tree, Health & Heritage Trail in Radford Woods
Discover the benefits of many trees, both rare and common with the Friends of Radford Wood with this fascinating guided walk.
Walk - Book Here
7.00pm - 8.30pm - Finding a Place
Hosted by walk-listen-create’s poet-in-residence Shani Cadwallender and writer-in-residence Amelia Hodsdon, we invite scholars and writers whose work explores landscape, walking, and ‘finding a place’ to discuss their latest research.
On-line Talk - Book Here
4.00pm - 5.00pm - Curator Led Walk of Tree Cultures Exhibition - at the Linnean Society
Guided walk exploring the use and representation of trees through the Linnean Society's collections. Head of Collections, Isabelle Charmantier, takes you through the exhibition investigating how trees are represented in natural history illustration, iconic trees, economic botany, and the exploitation of trees.
Guided Walk - Free - Book Here
Thursday 16th May
10.30am - 1.00pm - Tree Equity Walk and Talk – what is it and why does it matter?
Join Birmingham Tree People and the National Trust and enjoy a short walk to some of thier planting sites. Attendees are invited to stay for a networking and research lunch 12.15pm-1.00pm.
Walk & Lunch - Book Here
10.30am - 12.30pm - Roots & Resilience - Creating Ground, Woolwich
UTF Funded Event - This friendly and inclusive creative writing workshop is for anyone who wants time and headspace to spark their creativity. Think about your connection to nature in the city and what self-care reminders you need when life gets hectic.
Workshop - SOLD OUT
2.30pm - 4.30pm - Roots & Resilience: Somers Town, St Pancras
UTF Funded Event - This friendly and inclusive creative writing workshop is for anyone who wants time and headspace to spark their creativity. Think about your connection to nature in the city and what self-care reminders you need when life gets hectic.
Workshop - Free, Book here
3.00pm - 3.45pm - Trees for cities: Benefits of Urban Trees - Webinar
This webinar will focus on air quality and surface water management, presented by the Trees for Cities team: Susannah Littlewood and Grace Walker.
Webinar - Book here
5.30pm - 7.30pm - Come Meet the Urban Medlar: Trees, treats, talk, & entertainment!
Popular in ancient times, Henry VIII loved them (the Victorians did NOT). Join the Gerit Quealy, author of Botanical Shakespeare, on Regent's Canal Towpath for a "Medlar Party" with music & talks.
Talk & Tastings - Free, Book here
6.00pm - 7.00pm - Free Talk on Tree Equity and Environmental Justice with Kenton Rogers
Kenton Rogers is both a Chartered Urban Forester and Chartered Environmentalist with a masters degree in Forest Ecosystem Management. During his 25 year career he has worked on a wide range of commercial, urban and community forestry projects in the UK, Europe and North Africa
Talk - Free, Book here
Friday 17th May
11.00am - 12.30pm & 1.30pm - 3.00pm - Tree Musketeers Community Tree Nursery
The Tree Musketeers voluntary group based in Hackney will host three short tours of their Community Tree Nursery during this year’s Urban Tree Festival. Featuring hundreds of trees grown at the nursery, many of which are planted in parks, estates and other green spaces across Hackney.
Guided Tour - Book here…
12.00noon - 1.00pm - Tree Wise - Everyday Arboriculture Principles - Webinar
This workshop covers several principles that will help folks read the story of a trees life. Trees have two issues, they cannot move and they grow slowly, as Ted Green says in Tree Time.
Webinar - Book here
12.30pm - 1.30pm - Forest Bathing in Brunswick Square Gardens, Bloomsbury UTF Funded Event - Join Clare Barry from Urban Curiosity and learn how to destress and boost your concentration during this fully accessible forest bathing session among urban trees of Brunswick Square Gardens, Bloomsbury.
Forest Bathe - Free, Book here
5.30pm - 7.30pm - Walk One Tree Hill to Greenwich
Join InspiralLondon’s Charlie Fox to walk from One Tree Hill to North Greenwich, exploring Urban Trees, Undergrowth & Urban Forest Canopy with unique shorter walk interlude across Greenwich Park.
Walk - Free, Book here
5.30pm - 8.00pm – Celebration of Olive Trees: Save the Olives Fundraiser
Join us at the St Pancras Station Clocktower for a breathtaking bird's-eye view of the City, with talks from Paul Wood (author of London is a Forest) on urban Olive trees, Gerit Quealy (Botanical Shakespeare) on the poetic & historic olive & branch, and Stefano Petroni of Save the Olives on their unique technique to rescue these ancient beauties! Plus, some surprise guests & delectable treats!
Talks - Book Here
Saturday 18th May
9.00am - 10.00am - Accessible Forest Bathing in the Immersive Dome - Plymouth
Come and learn about Shinrin Yoku or forest bathing in a huge dome with amazing 360 degrees projections of trees! (And comfy cushions!)
Forest Bathe - Book here
10.30am - 12.30pm - Guided Tree Walk on Street Tree Decline Lipson, Plymouth
Plymouth streets were once lined with avenues of trees planted by the Victorians. We look at some of the remaining tree avenues discuss the benefits of tree lined streets with arboriculturist Jonathan Warren and landscape architect Zoe Smith.
Walk - Book here
11.00am - 2.00pm - Family walk with Black Girls Hike
UTF Funded Event - Black Girls Hike event in partnership with The Hive. There will be a range of nature based activities and a gentle walk around Epping Forest to get us active. We will meet at Chingford Station.
Family Day - SOLD OUT
11.00am - 1.00pm - A Guided seven mile Linear Walk from Honor Oak Park to Deptford with Des Garrahan
Join Des at Honor Oak Park where he guides you from One Tree Hill (with way more than just one tree) through Brockley past the New Cross Redwood down to Deptford.
Walk - Book here
11.30am - 12.30pm - Tour of the Lesnes Abbey Arboretum
In addition to a ruined abbey and ancient hillside woodland, the arboretum at Lesnes Abbey Woods has almost one hundred different varieties of tree from around the world. Join us to explore the selection of rare native trees as well as globally sourced exotics.
Walk - Book Here
1.00pm - 2.00pm - Queering Ecology Webinar
An online event to look at urban trees from a perspective of pollen, or Aerobiology. Focussing on how pollination works and how the botanical language developed.
Webinar - Book here
1.30pm - 3.00pm - Knock on Wood - Edinburgh
Knock on Wood is a collective sound walk celebrating the urban trees in Edinbrugh. Ending at the Pianodrome, Granton, refreshments provided. Accessible for everyone - mostly pavement walking, wheels are as welcome as feet - human, dog or other!
Sound Walk - Book Here
1.30pm - 3.00pm - Lesnes Abbey Woodland Walk
Join the Friends of Lesnes Abbey and Woods for a guided walk through our ancient woodlands.
Walk - Book Here
2.00pm - 4.30pm - A conversation between Nic Salazar Sutil and Tawana Kariri Xoco
A conversation between Nic Salazar Sutil and Tawana Kariri Xoco, a display of original crafts by Fulkaxo craftspeople from Sergipe Brazil. A body painting workshop in which he will explain relations between body paint designs and the forest.
Talks & Workshops - Free, Book here
2.00pm - 3.30pm - Mulberries & Heritage Trees of Gunnersbury Park
Mulberry specialist Peter Coles will present the two mulberries in the Park (one a Paper Mulberry) and talk about the introduction of the mulberry to Britain.
Walk & Talk - Buy Tickets
3.00pm - 5.00pm - Forum: Fantastic Elms & Other Amazing Trees - Brighton
Meet the tree experts for a lively afternoon of talks and discussion followed by a chance mingle and meet the panellists over afternoon tea. Chaired by David Shreeve MBE, Director of The Conservation Foundation.
Talks - SOLD OUT
Sunday 19th May
10.30am - 12.00noon - Elm Trees Walk – Pavilion Gardens - Brighton
Local tree enthusiast Pete Comley will talk about Brighton’s historical connection with elm trees. The serious problem of Elm Disease and the ways the city has been trying to combat it.
Free - Book here
11.00am-3.00pm - Art Connections: Visit two Artists Studios linked by Epping Forest Walk
Join us for a forest walk connecting two Artists Studios on the margins of Epping Forest. Meet artists - Sharon Drew, Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, and Alison Chaplin and find out how Epping Forest has inspired their creative pursuits. A rare opportunity to see behind the scenes!Walk & Studio Visit - Book here
11.00am - 13.00pm - Tree ID Walk - Hampstead Heath
Join us for a free guided walk to discover more about Hampstead Heath’s trees and how to identify them. Afternoon activities from 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
11.00am - 12.30pm - Churchill Gardens: An Architectural Utopia Among the Trees
A guided walk around the Churchill Gardens Estate, one of the finest, and greenest modernist estates in the UK, with Paul Wood.
11.30am - 13.00pm - Mutton Brook Tiny Forest Wildlife Count
The Mutton Brook Tiny Forest is now over two years old, we will see how many butterflies, bees and bugs we can count, and we will contribute to this nation-wide survey effort.
Insect Count - Free, Donate here
12.00noon - 5.00pm - Brockley Art House Open Studio Day
David is hosting a viewing of his work, come and discover one artist’s interpretation of the importance of trees in the urban landscape.
Open Studios - Donate here
2.00pm–3.00pm -Dementia-friendly-ParkBathe at MHA The Wilderness
A free one-hour guided dementia-friendly forest bathing session suitable for people with low mobility and wheelchairs. Carers welcome too.
Park Bathe - Book here
2.30pm – 4.30pm - Camberwell: Together with Mulberries — Tree Drawing Workshop
Come and draw the Lucas Gardens' Mulberry (or one of the other fine specimen trees nearby). Artist David More, professional tree illustrator and local resident will be leading the event.
Tree Drawing Workshop - Book here
2.30pm - 4.00pm - Guided Tour of Southwark Park’s Trees with Paul Wood
Southwark Park is one of London’s largest and oldest public parks. It will be no surprise then, that it is home to many fine and interesting trees, many of which date back to its foundation, join author Paul Wood to discover more…
If you attended our events as part of the 2024 Urban Tree Festival please leave your feedback here for us!
Week - Long Activities to Explore
Things to do throughout the nine day festival…
Running over two weekends in May, the Brighton & Hove Tree Festival offers a host of free events for everyone to enjoy. There are also opportunities to get involved before the festival and throughout May with Tree Trails, a Photography Competition ‘I love this tree because...’ and the Champion School Trees project.
Lovely as a Tree Exhibition - The Linnean Society
An exhibition on the culture of trees explored through the Linnean Society's collections. We explore the use and representation of trees through our collections. We look at how trees are represented in natural history illustration, iconic trees, economic botany, and the exploitation of trees.
Plymouth Tree Partnership, an independent charity, is holding a range of events to celebrate its urban treescape. A selection are published here on the UTF website. For the full list and with details of how to book, please go to: www.plymouthtrees.org