Camberwell Tree Drawing Workshops

Let’s celebrate some of Camberwell's most remarkable trees!

Ticket Information

Camberwell Tree Drawing Workshops

Date: Saturday 13th May

Time: 14:00pm & 15:30pm

Location: Brunswick Park

Tickets: Free, Book here (Donations welcomed)

Sessions start at either 2.00pm or 3.30pm. Drawing materials will be provided, and all levels of ability are welcome. Bring the family, but participants under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. 

Event Information

Led by renowned botanical illustrator David More, join a free drawing workshop at Brunswick Park, Camberwell on Saturday May 13th. 

Sessions start at either 2.00pm or 3.30pm. Drawing materials will be provided, and all levels of ability are welcome. Bring the family, but participants under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.  

Local artist David More will be leading the workshop. He is not just an artist with an interest in nature but a leading illustrator of tree guides and encyclopedias. It will be great to have his expert eye and encouragement. 

Brunswick Park has a number of interesting trees, including a lime which is reputed to be the tallest tree in Camberwell, and a horse chestnut with some tangled and twisty looking branches. You may already have a favourite of your own in mind.


Trees & Green Spaces group

This event is brought to you by the Trees and Green Spaces group, sponsored by the SE5 Forum for Camberwell ( and the Camberwell Society (

The Camberwell Trees and Green Spaces Group develops and promotes the green attributes of Camberwell. It co-reports to the the SE5 Forum for Camberwell and the Camberwell Society.

Location of event

Brunswick Park, Camberwell/ SE5, London

Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.

Thank you for your support.