From Grey to Green

Panel Discussion and CPRE London AGM 2021

Ticket Information

From Grey to Green

Date: Thursday 20th May

Time: 18:00-20:00

Location: Online Zoom event

Tickets: Free, booking essential

Following CPRE London's formal AGM business, as part of the Urban Tree Festival, we will be hosting a discussion:

From Grey to Green: repurposing our streets to make better use of space previously used for roads and parking.

This event is ticketed by CPRE London via Eventbrite.

Further Event Information


It has never been more important to reclaim lifeless, underused grey space and transform them into revitalised spaces for relaxation and recreation with trees, hedges and other greenery. Please join us!


Presentations by Stephen Edwards, Director of Policy and Communications at Living Streets; our Head of Campaigns, Alice Roberts; Ben Connor from the Greater London Authority; Will Sandy, Landscape Architect and Designer; and local community activist and campaigner, Sarah Berry.