Hodge Hill Common Creative Tree Workshop
A guided creative walkshop around local wooded common land with Soobie Whitfield
Ticket Information
Hodge Hill Common Creative Tree Workshop
Date: Saturday 20th May
Time: 2.00pm
Location: Hodge Hill Common, Birmingham
Tickets: Free, booking essential (Book here)
A guided walk around Hodge Hill Common in Birmingham, exploring local wooded, common land, noticing the shapes, movements, colours, sounds and textures of some trees.
Participants will be encouraged to creatively respond to what they notice through different prompts, writing, drawing or creating art from found materials. At the end of the walk they will be invited to co-create one large community response.
Event Information
A guided walk around Hodge Hill Common and Lady Brad's Woods in Birmingham, exploring local wooded, common land, noticing the shapes, movements, colours, sounds and textures of some trees.
Participants will be encouraged to creatively respond to what they notice through different prompts, writing, drawing or creating art from found materials. At the end of the walk they will be invited to co-create one large community response.
Friends of Hodge Hill Common and Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens & Soobie Whitfield
Friends of Hodge Hill Common is a recently formed friends group that exists for the sake of the Common and all those who live on or near it - humans and other- than-humans alike.
We want to bring local people together to safeguard this little patch of semi-wild natural space, and raise awareness of its biodiversity. We want to work to keep it clean and safe for all to use. And we want to build up a local community, strengthening ties of friendship between all who see themselves as Friends of Hodge Hill Common.
Soobie Whitfield works freelance with local communities, engaging them in creative projects around place, space and heritage. She trained in Dance Theatre at Laban and more recently completed an MA in Applied Theatre at Royal Central School for Speech and Drama. She is also involved in community engagement for Signdance Collective International who ran some online workshops as part of UTF 2021 programme.
For HodgeHill Common Walkshop: meet on open grassland area next to Hodge Hill Common road, B36 8AG.
Bus routes 94 and 28 stop on the Common , X12 and X13 stop Shawsdale Road which is a 6 min walk away.
Please Donate
Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.
We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.
Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.
Thank you for your support.