Mapping Tree Equity for the UK

Webinar: The best way to establish and nurture newly planted trees

Ticket Information

Mapping Tree Equity for the UK: Webinar

Date: Wednesday 17th May

Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Location: Online Zoom event

Tickets: Free, Book here (Donations welcomed)

Tree equity in our towns and cities - How many trees are there in your local area? How many is ‘enough’?

Exploring the Woodland Trust’s ‘tree equity’ campaign, what is means for you and how you can get involved.

Event Information

Tree equity in our towns and cities - How many trees are there in your local area? How many is ‘enough’?

The Woodland Trust believes everyone should be able to experience trees and their benefits regardless of where they live – this is known as 'tree equity' – and new Government policy could address this.  

Globally, work on this is rapidly evolving with the conservation organisation American Forests developing a way to assess cities to help focus investment on urban trees - something we are investigating here in the UK. With vast differences in tree cover not only between our towns and cities but within them too, government policies and tree targets must be ambitious and fair for all residents.  

Join Catherine Nuttgens and a team of experts from the Woodland Trust to hear how we can work together to campaign for tree equity in your town or city'.



Bridget Fox - Will be chairing the conversation.

Catherine Nuttgens - Urban Programme Lead at the Woodland Trust

Catherine Nuttgens is the Urban Programme Lead for the Woodland Trust. She has worked in the Urban Forest sector for many years, most recently as Community Forestry Manager in Sheffield where she led the community tree planting team. Before this she has delivered many projects in West and South Yorkshire connecting people to nature, landscape, and heritage; as well as working in arboriculture. Her projects have included themes such as landscape heritage, ancient woodland, art and crafts, outdoor play, and forest schools.

John Rose - John is an Urban Forest Consultant with Treeconomics, helping local authorities, developers and others understand their tree assets as a whole - their environmental benefits, their financial values and their vulnerabilities to pests, diseases and climate change.  John's work includes the development of Treeconomics’ digital mapping offers for ‘Trees in Hard Landscapes Opportunity Mapping for Tree Planting’ to determine priority locations to address different urban challenges.

David Coughlin - David is the project manager for the Urban Forest Accelerator, a partnership project between National Trust, Woodland Trust and Community Forest Trust, that is working with local authorities to address the wide range of challenges they face in expanding urban tree canopy cover. David has a background in youth work and community engagement and is particularly interested in how people are involved throughout the lifecycle of urban trees, including at the decision-making stage, and how the urban forest can contribute to more resilient cities.


On-line event coming to you from The Woodland Trust.

Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.

Thank you for your support.