Meditation with Trees

Slow mornings with Mel – 10 minutes to slow down, meditate and recharge

Ticket Information

Meditation with Trees

Date: Everyday

Time: 09:00 - 09:15

Location: Online Zoom event

Tickets: Free, booking essential (donations welcomed)

A daily visualisation inviting you to experience the essence and wisdom of trees followed by a short meditation. These daily meditations are focussed on specific trees known for healing and spiritual awakening.

Further information will be sent to you on booking.

Event Information



A daily visualisation inviting you to experience the essence and wisdom of trees followed by a short meditation.

These daily meditations are focussed on specific trees known for healing and spiritual awakening: elm, oak, beech, holly, willow, hornbeam, pine, birch and cherry.

Led by Mel Sutton, Chopra meditation teacher and co-founder of the Urban Tree Festival.

Each tree we have chosen is used as an essence or tincture and traditionally used for its health properties.

Elm - day 1; Oak - day 2; Beech - day 3; Holly - day 4; Willow - day 5; Hornbeam - day 6; Pine - day 7; Birch - day 8; Cherry - day 9

We have all experienced the wisdom and grounding qualities of being in nature around trees, and the influence this has on our health and mood.

These daily meditations are a way to connect and guide you into stillness, to deepen your insight and experience trees as healing.

On Zoom 9am BST each day through the festival. On booking you will be sent a Zoom link the day before the festival begins that will enable you to join the meditation each day. It is not necessary to join every day but we hope you can!

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Mel Sutton - I'm a meditation and yoga teacher teaching globally on Zoom. I run meditation for writers groups and advise clients on health using natural remedies. I’m a lifelong learner and nature lover. I see the natural world as a harmonious and integral key to our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Previously I have worked with organisations and festivals offering creative and transformational events around meditation, healing and mindfulness and the relationship that co exists between human and planet. I’m a founder of the Urban Tree Festival and delighted to be a part of the 2021 festival.

Books and resources upon which Mel has drawn:

David Frawley (2010) Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound 

Erling Kragge (2010) Silence in the age of noise 

Inna Segal (2010)The Secret language of your body

Valerie Ann Wood (1990) The Fragrant Pharmacy

Jonathan Drori (2021) Around the World un 80 plants

F J Wheeler (1952) The Bach Remedies Repertory

Edward Bach (1933) The Twelve Healers

Peter Collins (1960) Trees of Britain

Jacqueline Memory Paterson (1996) Tree Wisdom