Nature and Nurture in Downham
with Theresa Webb & Lewisham Council
Ticket Information
Nature and Nurture in Downham
Date: Saturday 22 May
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Location: Goldsmiths Community Centre in Downham
Tickets: Free, booking essential (places limited)
A guided walk through Downham in Lewisham with Theresa Webb, an experienced nature walk leader and a seasoned medicinal plant urban forager.
Further information, including the meeting location, will be sent to you on booking. The event is being ticketed by Theresa Webb via Eventbrite.
Event Information
A guided walk through Downham in Lewisham. Focusing on medicinal plants and nature for well-being.
This walk starts at Goldsmiths Community Centre in Downham, Lewisham and ends in Beckenham Place Park, southeast London’s largest park.
Along the way, participants will be encouraged to look closely at their surroundings, to observe the nature that can easily get missed as we dash from place to place.
Theresa Web, the walk leader, is experienced at leading nature walks and is a seasoned medicinal plant urban forager. She will offer information along the way on the medicinal and wellbeing uses of different plants and trees that are encountered.
This area of southeast London is often off people’s radar. It is largely residential and is wonderfully green. This two hour guided walk will be an opportunity to get off the beaten track and be reminded just how we can benefit from being in and observing nature, even when living in urban environments.
The walk is suitable for all ages, but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Booking essential as numbers are limited to 12.
Theresa Webb - Theresa Webb is a Nutritional Therapist, Raw Vegan Chef and Chocolatier, and London National Park City Ranger. Theresa has experience of leading nature walks across London and further afield, and has a wealth of knowledge on all things nutrition and medicinal plant-related, including the impact that local and seasonal plants have on our wellbeing.
Lewisham Council
Lewisham Council officers are working in conjunction with local volunteers to deliver walks through some lesser-known areas of the borough.
Please Donate
Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.
We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.
Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.
Thank you for your support.
This event is generously supported by Lewisham Council.