Help make 2020 the best ever Urban Tree Festival


We are already planning the 2020 Urban Tree Festival and have had a great start already!

Bell House, an educational charity in leafy Dulwich, south London have offered their property as a venue for a Festival finale for the whole of Sunday 24 May. Nearby Horniman Museum and Gardens are working with us to devise a Family Tree event on Saturday 16 May as a Festival opener. Kings Place whose year long Nature Unwrapped initiative is supporting the Urban Tree Festival with a led walk and panel discussion about the Urban Forest and Living with Trees in association with Little Toller Publishing, on Sunday 17 May. The Countryside Charity - CPRE London are holding an event on the 'countryside in our towns' on Thursday 21 May as part of the Urban Tree Festival.

A timeline of where we are going from here:

  • New website launch 12 December

  • Logo competition until 31 January

  • Open call for tree-inspired activities and events from 1 February to 29 February

  • Chelsea Fringe registration by 31 March

  • Programme announcement 15 April

  • Festival launch 16 May

  • Festival finale 24 May


Enter our logo competition