Treecreative @Ginninderry Conservation Corridor
Bringing together walking, mindfulness and creativity
This month’s Treecreatvie walk will be hosted by Ginninderry Conservation Corridor.
About the project
Treecreative is a walking arts program led by walking artist and Treecreate founder, Tracey M Benson. The theme relates to a series of walking projects which have been evolving since late 2020 at Urambi Hills and Ginninderry Conservation Corridor, building on Tracey’s long-term creative practice as an walking artist.
Knowledge holders work closely with Tracey to co-design the features of each walk by sharing ecological, cultural, geological, and historical knowledge of place. This knowledge combines with creative activities and mindfulness and grounding meditation to enhance connection and sensitivity to place.
Some feedback from a previous walk:
“Enjoyed walking through the treed areas, learning about native grasses and management of the land. Mindfulness mediation practice refreshed my mind and body. Very welcoming, inclusive walk. Thank you.”
When: 09:45 for 10:00am start, Saturday 21 May 2022
Where: Meet at the Link at Ginninderry