Shakespeare’s Botany in Bloomsbury

Discover ‘Shakespeare in the Wild’ at Hello Love

Gerit Quealy, the author of the best selling illustrated compendium, 'Botanical Shakespeare' will be bringing a taste of the Bard and the botany that infuses his works to the Urban Tree Festival this year.

After the success of sharing the world-famous canon's literary-inspired flora at Chelsea in 2018, Gerit & the BoShax team will be producing an immersive indoor nature experience in the heart of the aptly named BLOOMSbury. 'Shakespeare in the Wild: Urban Forest Bathing' will look to inspire guests to seek & interact with nature in an urban environment.

This year’s 'Urban Tree Festival' back-to-back with the Chelsea Fringe offers a unique opportunity for Shakespeare's love of nature to come to life. This will be in the form of a space full of trees, live plants, dried flowers & herbs, & branches woven throughout the space to create an inviting environment for show-goers to step into a mini Shakespeare forest and practice “Shakespeare Forest Bathing”.

Mini talks & events will pepper the 2-week timespan. 'Shakespeare in the Wild' can be experienced from 14th to 29th May at 'Hello Love' 62–64 Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London.

Check out the Programme of Events happening at Hello Love and book them here.

If you’ve enjoyed these activities, please consider making a donation

Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.
