Soil, where do we grow from here?

What are the health benefits of soil? Why do we remove soil? What are the challenges that face urban trees?

Ticket Information

Soil, where do we grow from here?

Date: Friday 19th May

Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Location: Online Zoom event

Tickets: Free, Book here (Donations welcomed)

Soils are far more than just a growth medium for trees and plants – soils are fantastically complex living ecosystem full of microbes and animals and are integral in supporting life on earth.

With the Woodland Trust and Student For Trees.

Event Information

What are the health benefits of soil? Why do we remove soil? From the global to the urban, what are the challenges that face urban trees?

Soils are far more than just a growth medium for trees and plants – soils are fantastically complex living ecosystem full of microbes and animals and are integral in supporting life on earth.

What is Save Soil ?

Save Soil (under the banner of Conscious Planet) is a the largest people's movement in history, having touched 3.91 Billion people since March 2022. It aims to move governments to enforce concrete policies and regulations on soil health, and to raise global public awareness on the topic. We want everyone to speak about soil for the coming months, until all world governments enforce their policies.

How is this related to Trees ?

For soil to be called soil, it requires a minimum of 3% organic content. Otherwise we call it sand. Over 50% of land on the planet today is degraded, with organic carbon levels dwindling at dangerous lows. The only way to Save our Soil is to put back this organic content so as to prevent desertification.

There are only 2 major ways we can put back SOC (Soil Organic Carbon) naturally - Litter from Plants, and Droppings from Animals. And so, trees are a fundamental part of what this movement aims to acheive.



Sarah Shorley

From the Woodland Trust will be chairing this webinar.

John Crawford

I am a conservation evidence officer at the Woodland Trust. My background is in soil science and plant-soil interactions in woodland and grassland ecosystems. My work has focused on soil carbon dynamics, nutrient cycling, and greenhouse gas emissions from soil.

Vaibhav Pramode Nair

Student and council member on the ''Student For Trees'' (SFT) council. Member of Save Soil, by Conscious Planet.


On-line event.


Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.

Thank you for your support.