Trees Outside Woodland –

Showcasing Our Miyawaki Method Trial Plot

Ticket Information

Trees Outside Woodland – Showcasing Our Miyawaki Method Trial Plot

Date: Tuesday 16th May

Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Location: On-line event, A short film & Q&A session

Tickets: Free, Book here (Donations welcomed)

Who’s speaking:

Jon Stokes - Director of Trees, Science & Research – The Tree Council

Jackie Shallcross - Trees Outside Woodlands Project Lead – The Tree Council

Louise Butfoy - Trees Outside Woodlands Project Officer – Kent County Council

Event Information

The Trees Outside Woodland programme is developing innovative and sustainable new ways to increase tree cover to address both the climate and ecological emergencies. The programme is funded by HM Government and delivered in partnership with The Tree Council, Natural England, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, along with five local authorities. The Urban Tree Establishment pilot within this programme is exploring the potential of the Miyawaki methodology to boost urban tree establishment.

The Miyawaki methodology is based on an innovative woodland establishment and management approach developed by Japanese botanist Dr Akira Miyawaki, which aims to quickly reconstruct indigenous woodlands.

Dr Miyawaki’s methodology has since formed the basis of the ‘tiny forest’ concept, where small urban plots of land can be densely planted with a variety of native tree and shrub species to create biodiversity-rich woodland habitats.

Our trial is testing the method in urban settings, across 20 experimental sites in Kent, Cornwall, Chichester, and Norfolk, in order to assess the establishment success, tree cover development, carbon sequestration abilities, and the wider species richness of the sites, against the cost-effectiveness of the process. To allow for effective monitoring and evaluation, a range of control (traditional planting style) and variable (experimental) plots were established at each site utilising variations on the theme of the Miyawaki methodology, with a minimum of a 3-metre gap separating the two.

At this particular site, both the ‘control’ and Miyawaki trial plots were planted in February 2021 and are now in their third growing season. This event will see project members discussing the progress of the trial and the results found to date as well as answering any questions attendees may have about the pilot project.


Who’s speaking:

Jon Stokes - Director of Trees, Science & Research – The Tree Council

Jackie Shallcross - Trees Outside Woodlands Project Lead – The Tree Council

Louise Butfoy - Trees Outside Woodlands Project Officer – Kent County Council


On-line event.


Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.

Thank you for your support.