Design our 2020 Logo


Urban Tree Festival 2020 Logo Competition

Congratulations Ben Howell! In face of some very stiff competition, Ben, 18, a first year Graphic Design student at Kingston University has won our 2020 logo competition.

The winning design for the Urban Tree Festival 2020

The winning design for the Urban Tree Festival 2020

Previous years …

The 2018 Urban Tree Festival Logo

The 2018 Urban Tree Festival Logo

The 2019 Urban Tree Festival Logo

The 2019 Urban Tree Festival Logo


The winner will receive:

  • A voucher worth £50

  • Two T-shirts with their winning logo

  • Two ‘All Areas Crew Passes’ to the Urban Tree Festival 2020

The results of the competition will be announced and publicised on the Urban Tree Festival website.

The Urban Tree Festival is a vibrant community event and an annual celebration of trees in the city. The Festival is now in its third year, attracting over 900 visitors, and is now a firm favourite in the London calendar for May.

If you wish to enter please read the brief guidelines below before making your submission.

The Brief

The Urban Tree Festival changes its logo every year and the new logo is chosen by competition.

The logo needs to work across various media and formats, including print and digital. It should be recognisable in a very small size (an Instagram icon for instance), but also work well on a tote bag, T-shirt or large outdoor banner.

The logo should include a graphical image or marque, as well as typography. The graphic must be able to be used with or without the typographic element. The logo should be adaptable for varying formats, including a circle, a square, a landscape rectangle and a portrait rectangle.

You will need to think about how the logo can be adapted to these different formats, while using a clear graphic image that works across all media.


Entrants must be aged between 14 years and 24 at the start of the competition.

Entry is open to all nationalities (within the age group).

An entry can only be made by the work’s individual author.

Entries cannot have been published previously (either print or online) or won a prize.

Entries must not include any defamatory language or signs.

Entries must clearly respond to the brief, be original and written in English.

The Urban Tree Festival will retain full worldwide copyright throughout.

Submission Format

Your entry should be in PDF or JPEG format, and the total filesize for an entry should be no larger than 4MB.

Entries will be read and judged anonymously. Do not put your name, age, address, email, telephone number or any personally identifying information on any page.

The file name must include only the title of your entry.


The prize is a Voucher worth £50, two T-shirts with the winning logo and an “All Areas Crew Pass” for the winner and one other to the Urban Tree Festival 2020.

The results of the competition will be announced on the Urban Tree Festival website.

Entry constitutes acceptance of all Urban Tree Festival 2020 Logo competition Rules. Entries that fail to comply with the rules will be disqualified. No correspondence can be entered into. Judges’ decisions are final.

Declaration on submission

Entrants declare that the work submitted is their own and that its rights have not been transferred to third parties. Entrants assume all liability for any claim or demand by third parties, administrative, judicial or of other nature, concerning intellectual property or rights of the submitted work. Submission implies that entrants hold all necessary rights to the entered work, and are authorised to grant and does hereby grant said rights to the Urban Tree Festival for exhibition and publication by the Urban Tree Festival.

For more information or questions please read the FAQs below.

A teacher’s resource pack can be downloaded here.


Who is this project addressed to?

The audience for the Urban Tree festival is anyone, especially those living in urban and suburban neighbourhoods. 
Our 2020 logo competition is open to anyone aged 14 - 24 years old at the start of the competition (25 November 2019)

What formats can be submitted?


What could a logo be?

Literally anything – although the Festival has a ‘trees in the city’ theme.

Are there any resources to assist teachers/lecturers to share with their pupils/students?

Yes, you can download the teacher’s resource pack here.

Can I make more than one submission?

Yes - the limit is two submissions.

Who can submit?

Contributor from all backgrounds and nationalities are invited to submit.

By when must I submit my logo entry?

Midnight GMT on 31st January 2020

What if my entry includes third party copyrighted material?

Entrants declare that the work submitted is their own and that they have cleared permissions for any elements for which they do not own. Its rights have not been transferred to third parties. Entrants assume all liability for any claim or demand by third parties, administrative, judicial or of other nature, concerning intellectual property or rights of the submitted work.

How will the winning entry be selected?

Members of the Urban Tree festival Steering Group will act as the judges for the logo competition. 

What if I want to correct a mistake I have made in my entry after I have submitted it?

Use the contact form to report any problems or changes

What is the timeline for submissions?

25 November 2019 - 31 January 2020

14 February winning entry announced

The Urban Tree festival opens on Saturday 16 May 2020

Does the Urban Tree Festival cover expenses?

No funding is available for the competition entrants.

More questions?

Use the contact form.

Are there any Teacher’s Resources?

Teachers / Lecturers Resource Pack

Discover - Explore - Connect - References - Resources


A chance for young people to see their work published and get involved in an environmentally -focussed initiative for residents in urban suburban neighbourhoods. The resource aims to help teachers and students develop a design drawing for the logo for the Urban Tree Festival 2020.  It will give students a critical and cultural understanding of the role of art and graphic design in coning an ecological initiative to the widest public. Students are encouraged to develop their work, reflect and asses it, and also give constructive feedback to other students.

Produce creative work - explore their ideas and record experiences

Develop skills in drawing and graphic design

Learn about graphic design and illustration

Learn about trees in urban settings

A teacher’s resource pack can be downloaded here.