A Pilgrimage to the Trees
with …kruse
“A pilgrimage is a ritual journey with a hallowed purpose. Every step along the way has meaning. New insights are given. Deeper understanding is attained… ”
In the city every tree, no matter its age or size, is a vitally important citizen. It’s not just iconic trees in parks and gardens that matter but all urban trees – young ones and old, trees in full bloom and those that are a bit broken. Just like people really.
A Pilgrimage to the Trees invites you to visit your neighbourhood trees, to admire them, enjoy their presence, and take a moment to thank them for the silent work they do for us.
You probably know the trees around your own street, maybe you have a favourite tree in your local park? A Pilgrimage to the Trees takes you on a walking journey to trees that you might not have noticed before. Every tree matters, so you might end up at a magnificent veteran oak, or a small scraggly birch. Whatever the tree, I believe it deserves our thanks and appreciation.
Anyone anywhere can do this project, in the city, town or village. The walk starts right at your door; the instructions have been written to include an element of chance (and maybe a bit of magic) so that every time you start your walk, you’ll end up at a different tree. The walk will be as long or short as chance and your own tree knowledge dictate!
So put on some comfortable shoes, gather a drink and a snack and wander off on a very special kind of walk – a pilgrimage to your local trees.
Everything you need to undertake this activity is included in the illustrated printable PDF, including a specially written poem-prayer to recite as part of your ‘pilgrimage’.
A Pilgrimage To The Trees was written and illustrated by artist ...kruse. Read ...kruse’s blog on walking, magic and the landscapes of Britain at https://susankruse.blogspot.com/
In collaboration with Birmingham Tree People
We're the charity for tree wardens in Birmingham. We plant, protect and promote trees. Birmingham Tree People is the charity for tree lovers in Birmingham. We offer free training for people who want to know more about trees and we look after trees in Birmingham.
If you’ve enjoyed these activities, please consider making a donation
Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.