Great Trees
A guest blog by Simon Edwards
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.
So read Malvolio in Twelfth Night, and so it is with trees.
The Hardy Ash, one of London’s Great Trees .Photo ©Paul Wood
To discuss this theme, we are delighted to have:
Paul Wood, aka TheStreetTree, author of London’s Street Trees and who has recently produced The Great Trees of London Map.
Simon Edwards who’s TiCL App and website has been used by locals to show Great Trees in a number of different cities including London and, most recently, Brighton.
Margaret Peart who, Tweeting as Vernon Oak, found out first hand what it was like to have greatness thrust upon’er during the SaveSheffTrees Campaign, saving thousands of trees from destruction by Sheffield City Council and elevating Vernon and other trees to ‘greatness’ in the process.
We would like to have taken you to see Great Trees, but with lockdown we’ll do the next best thing and bring Great trees to you – and perhaps you could bring some Great Trees to us!
We’ll be discussing what it means to be a ‘Great’ Tree, how trees come to be Great, whether you can measure ‘greatness’. We’ll show you trees we consider Great and why we think they are… and we’d like to hear from you, tell us about trees you think are Great, and why!
If you’re coming along to the virtual meeting and would like to bring a tree you think is ‘Great’ for discussion please send a photo of the tree, together with the reason you think it’s ‘Great’ to by Saturday 23rd May. We will try and include you and it in the discussion (please send your e.mail from the same address you’ll be checking in to Zoom with for the meeting).
Date: Sunday 24th May
Time: 14:00-15:00