Sentinel Trees: ‘A tree that watches or stands guard’

A guest blog by artists’s collective, Collect Connect

An online art exhibition by Collect Connect: 16th to 24th May 

Artists’ cooperative Collect Connect invited authors and artists to respond to the theme ‘Sentinel Trees’ by making miniature art works to be exhibited in the ‘Unsettled Gallery’ alongside  the street trees in Archway, London, during the Festival.  We chose Archway as a venue for the Unsettled Gallery after we completed an urban tree walk from Paul Wood’s  book, ‘London's Street Trees: A Field Guide to the Urban Forest’. The Unsettled Gallery is the name we give to any exhibition that takes place in unofficial spaces  where the public can see and take the art works for free.

For the Sentinel Trees exhibition each artwork will be accompanied by a written response by one of our authors.  We had planned that the writing and the artwork would be photographed in situ with the host street tree in Archway and exhibited on the Collect Connect website along with a commentary from the Collect Connect team.

Due to the current circumstances we have adapted the exhibition.

Instead of looking for the artworks and writing on the streets of Archway we invite you to discover a new art work and text on each day of the festival at:

Collect Connect


Great Trees


#sundaynatureworship read by Amanda Tuke