Developing a daily meditation practice

By Mel Sutton

Join Mel’s Daily 15 minute audio Meditation challenge 16-24th May, 10am

Learn to balance your life through breath and silence

Learn to balance your life through breath and silence

I will be taking you on a journey into a forest. Visualising nature, using our senses with powerful intentions and visualisations.

Visualisation is a powerful way to experience. Think how your mind affects your mood, emotions and your beliefs.

When we decided to transform the UTF into a virtual experience I wanted to explore how we could still benefit from being in nature, with the restrictions many of us are feeling through the Coved 19 pandemic.

Together we will be developing the power of intention, learning how to still the mind, find space between our thoughts to create positive and health enhancing visualisations.

It is my wish that as you join me daily you will start to realise how powerful you are, and how you can change your thinking, leading to changes in your life

When we are experiencing life, our senses and emotions create a memory. If we perceive that memory to be pleasurable we seek ways of repeating the experience. This is how habits are formed.

During Covid 19 and the lockdown we have had to change patterns and rethink our lives. For me this has had many positive consequences, from the reduction in traffic and pollution, to creating stronger community bonds. We see that some of our patterns are not life enhancing and we are examining our lives assessing what really matters. For me this has always been community and family, nature and living in harmony with Mother Earth.

I look forward to sharing this meditation challenge.

Tune in at 10am each morning to create peace and calm. Mel will lead you into finding stillness, visualisation, breath and connecting to your creativity.

when you talk you’re only repeating what you already know. But if you listen you may learn something new” Dalai Lama

Mel Sutton is a meditation and yoga teacher, she is one of the original team that set up the Urban Tree Festival. She lives and works in S.E London.



To Be Tree. Seek, stand, close your eyes and breathe.


Foxglove Forest School