Savouring Nature

A guest blog from Cornelia Lucey and Michelle White, co-founders of LIVEWISE


Using positive psychology to enhance our experience of nature and psychological wellbeing.

In this session we will explain what positive psychology is - the scientific study of optimal functioning - and how scientists have been applying it to examine our experience of nature. We will look at positive psychology interventions, techniques to increase our positive emotions and happiness levels, and look at interventions particularly focused at nature.

Michelle and Cornelia will share their favourite and recent experiences of savouring nature (including a blossoming cherry tree or two) and how they have applied their learning from these experiences.

They will encourage you to explore how you could savour nature deliberately in your day-to-day with tried and tested methods and creations of your own. 

Session date, length and timings:

1hr and closed with a mediation on nature

Tuesday May 19th 10.20

Live event

Cornelia Lucey and Michelle White are Positive Psychologists and Co-founders of LIVEWISE.


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