Tree-mendous secrets from great writers
The shortlisted authors will be reading their pieces at the WRITE ABOUT TREES Showcase on Sunday 21 May from 4.30pm (online) - the event at which all will learn who are the winners and runners-up. Winners will be receiving a cash prize!
Shortlisted pieces and their authors:
Galia Admoni - Tree
Julian Bishop - Warning: Dangerous Tree
John Bowen - Jacaranda: Blue on Blue
Adam Elms - Fallen Comrade
Em Gray - Evergreen
Lizzie Gwinnell - Deirdre
Andrew Halsall Smith - When the Bough Holds Strong
Rayna Haralambieva - Trees are poems Sung by the Wind
Cheryl Markosky - Sucking
Arthur Sparrow - Death of a Veteran
Penny Walker - 4Ever
Kyra Williams - The Forest