Tree Gratitude

A short film introducing the hidden trees of the city through the lens of one London market, lesser known histories and Kew's botanical garden collections.

Ticket Information

Tree Gratitude - Film

Date: Saturday 20th May

Time: 4.00pm - 5.00pm

Location: Camley Street Natural Park, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW

Tickets: Free, Book here (donations welcomed)

Film & Workshop

When we walk the streets of London or any of Britain's urban areas; when we are at home or visiting friends; in markets and supermarkets across the country, we tend to take trees for granted. This short film is an introduction to the hidden trees of the city through the lens of one London market, lesser known histories and Kew's botanical garden collections. This workshop is part of a day-long programme of activities - details here.

Event Information

When we walk the streets of London or any of Britain's urban areas; when we are at home or visiting friends; in markets and supermarkets across the country, we tend to take trees for granted.

Not just the ones adorning our parks and pavements, but also those below our feet in hallways and bedrooms. The doors we push open and drawers we close, the chairs and tables and the fruits and vegetables that we find upon the latter, not only in obvious form, but also as fillers, waxes and other industrial additives used in food and cosmetics.

This short film is an introduction to the hidden trees of the city through the lens of one London market, lesser known histories and Kew's botanical garden collections.

Trees fill our city in such a multitude of ways so we really could be filled with more gratitude.

A ten-minute introduction to the topic, featuring Juliet Alexander, and scripted by Community Centred Knowledge for the Urban Tree Festival.


Mama D

Mama D leads Community Centred Knowledge, a small collective which engages with communities and groups to explore stories related to food and health through workshops and other activities with a focus on the experience, histories and aspirations of people of African and Caribbean heritage.


Camley Street Natural Park, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW


Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.

Thank you for your support.