Tree Talk
Free Tree Therapy
Do you struggle with loneliness? Numbness? Exhaustion? Hopelessness? Compulsive thinking or behaviour?
Have conventional treatments failed you?
Free Tree Therapy may be the solution you’ve been seeking.
We believe, for example, that your problems cannot be solved in a space cut off from everything else. In an office—or worse—via teleconference.
Human suffering must see the light of day to be resolved. It must be addressed in the context where it’s occurring.
All of our practitioners are deeply rooted in your community and each has a completely unique perspective on it. We know what you’ve been through because we’ve been there. For all of it. And for much of what came beforehand.
Our work with you is grounded in a different understanding of time and place than other treatment systems.
Everything is on your schedule: You talk, we listen.
Birds call out to one another, and we listen together.
The wind rushes in from the East, and we both tremble.
The sky darkens.
Tears fall. Pollen floats through the air.
History repeats itself, over and over.
Tell us about it.
We offer a welcoming community of listeners and have branches worldwide.
Please download our printable or mobile-friendly brochure
for instructions on how to begin.
Heather Kapplow, Artist (USA) and Tree Talk Client
“I’m not sure if most people know this, but even though it’s very meaningful and often quite fun work, being an artist can also be exhausting. There’s a lot more failure than success; artists tend to live very precariously; plus there’s a great deal of emotional risk-taking involved in our work. All of this is fairly stressful to the body and psyche. Getting traditional therapy (or even health insurance) is beyond the scope of many American artists’ budgets, so tree therapy is an invaluable option for us. Tree therapy also works out well for me because my schedule is unpredictable and sometimes I travel. So I can go and talk to a tree in my home community, any time, day or night, or, if I’m somewhere unfamiliar and feeling overwhelmed by something I’m untangling in my creative process, I can find a tree wherever I am that somehow both knows what I’ve shared with other trees in other places, and can also offer extremely helpful local perspective.”
Cayla Lockwood, Artist (USA) and Tree Talk Client
“I started seeing my tree when I was a child. There was even a swing. My tree really knows me, feels my thoughts, hears my stories, sees my tears. Even if I am away from my tree for a long time, when I get back it’s like picking up right where we left off. Where did we leaf off? All this life I’ve made so many plans, but where do they go? Do I do the plans? Do the plans change? Do the plans have plans of their own? Where should I live? What should I do? What does an artist do when they no longer believe in art? My head is in the clouds, but you can’t talk to clouds. Just wispy air above it all; no stability, only movement: Aquarius Alien. Who you can talk to is a tree. Trees have roots, they know who they are, they don’t leave. They can’t run away; no legs, only armbranches: Exactly Earth. I once ate a leaf just to know what it tastes like. Sway, creak, rustle, wood, trunk, branch, bark, leaf, needle, nut, seed, flower, bugs, birds, squirrels, a cat...be right back. It’s time to talk with my tree.”
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Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.