The Healing Power of Trees

By Mel Sutton

Next time you walk past a tree I'd like you to stop and observe its beauty. Perhaps it has an amazing bark, show-stopping flowers or the colours and smells may draw your attention. Whatever draws you to the tree I can guarantee that it has been used for healing and health for thousands of years.

I have been using Bach flower essences for over 30 years for physical healing and emotional relief from symptoms that cause disease and imbalances in our energy system. In this article I have chosen eleven essences all from trees to assist you back to optimal health


A little background

Trees have been used in healing for thousands of years. The Egyptians are attributed with being the first to use flower essences for healing and maintaining health. They would gather dew from flowers at dawn using this as an essence to restore homeostasis and health.

Trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them. They carry a memory of the past and contain a potency to heal mind, body and soul.

Trees and humankind have always had a symbiotic relationship. They provide their fruits, leaves, flowers and roots for food and medicine.

Many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from trees. Aspirin comes from willow bark; yews are the source of Taxol, used in the treatment of some cancers; Ginkgo biloba improves circulation; tea tree oil is beneficial for skin infections; cinchona tree bark contains quinine, the basis of many anti-malarial drugs; and Pycnogenol, which protects against deep vein thrombosis, is made from pine tree bark.

Many herbal medicine comes from trees. Think feverfew for colds and raised temperatures and Ginkgo biloba for memory loss. Chaste tree commonly known as ‘Agnus Cactus’ has been used effectively to balance female hormones, PMS and irritability due to its effect of balancing oestrogen and increasing dipping progesterone levels.

Healing powers of flower essences

One of the great names in the field of vibrational healing and essences made from flowers and trees was Edward Bach. He bought flower essences as a healing modality to the attention of the medical establishment in the 1930's.

A medical doctor, Dr Bach began to case study the healing effects of the flower's essence, which he had discovered like the Egyptians while collecting dew drops from plants and trees at dawn. Theorising that such drops contained the energy pattern or signature of the plant from which it was derived, he further supposed that when ingested, the essence of the plant would match the vibrational patterns stored within the genetic storehouse of the person.

From these observations came the Bach Flower Remedies.

So how do flower essences work?


In Dr Bach's own words “they occur by flooding our bodies with beautiful vibrations of Higher Nature which melt dis-ease like snow in the sunshine.”

Dr. Bach's theory is that we are born perfect, however, the stress of life allows for the build up of defences and unhealthy patterns as a means to cope with life’s hardships. These behaviours and thought patterns pull the individual out of alignment with spirit. Distress at the level of spirit is translated into physical disease.

Bach saw disease as a way that our spirit tells us how our attitudes or behaviours are getting in the way of our health.

Unhealthy emotional patterns can cause tension within the body and tightness in the muscles, which, in time, block the natural flow of joy in our bodies causing an eventual breakdown of immunity and harmony.

The Flower Essences fill our auras with the vibrations they contain and so help loosen energy blockages that keep us from vibrating at our natural frequency of health and well being.

He concluded throughout his years of study that humans, like plants and flowers, contain different vibrations, patterns, and energy fields that respond positively to an individualised healing plan from which to restore optimum health.

He concluded that the healer must individually address the varying characteristics, moods, fears, and beliefs of each patient in order to assist him or her back into a balanced and healed state.

A quick guide to eleven common essences

Elm Capable people, with responsibility, who falter, temporarily overwhelmed
Oak Persevering, despite difficulties, strong, patient never giving in
Olive Exhausted, no more strength, need physical and mental renewal
Aspen Vague, unknown, haunting apprehension and premonitions
Holly Jealousy, envy, revenge, anger, suspicion
Hornbeam Feels weary and thinks can't cope
Pine Self critical, self reproach, assuming blame, apologetic
Red Chestnut Worry for others, anticipating misfortune, projecting worry
Walnut Protection from outside influences. Use for change and the stages of development
White Chestnut Unresolved circling thoughts
Willow Dissatisfied, bitter, resentful, life is unfair

For more information on the essences, visit

The Urban Tree Festival team would like to thank the Twelve Healers Trust for their support of the festival.

Mel Sutton is a co founder of the UTF and runs her own company specialising in natural health - on Instagram as @naturalhealthwithmel

If you would like a consultation with Mel please get in touch.


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